Steam Boilers
Steam Boilers
A boiler or steam generator is a device used to create steam by applying heat energy to water. The most common use of boilers is for utilities, such as hot water production or buildings heating, Steam boilers are being used as well in the huge and large-scale industries where steam is a major part of the process. All boilers will be facing the same challenges no matter what the type or size of these systems is, we can put the main problems we face as – scale, corrosion and their products.
GEX Water Treatment has a long and wide experience treating boiler systems for these problems and have a broad selection of treatments to combat them.

Boiler Chemicals
GEX 200 Series
PH Adjusters

GEX 212 Series
Oxygen Scavengers
GEX 213 Series
Dispersant Sludge Conditioners

GEX 214 Series
Condensate Line Corrosion Inhibitors
GEX Water Treatment has a superb range of corrosion inhibitors specifically designed for use within boiler condensate lines. These chemicals provide fantastic corrosion protection for a variety of different boiler systems with each chemical being formulated with different system conditions in mind, including neutralizing and filming amines. This approach to product development was employed so that we can offer you a comprehensive range of solutions and always provide the best one for your needs.
GEX 215, 216 Series
Multipurpose Chemicals